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Exterior House Siding: Cement Siding vs Wood Siding vs Vinyl Siding

A great example of the natural beauty of wood siding.

A great example of the natural beauty of wood siding.

When preparing for an exterior siding job, it can often be confusing as to which choice to make when deciding what siding to use. With so many options, how can you tell what is best for your home? Usually it comes down to three main choices, and with all of them being so popular it’s easy to get swayed the wrong way. Check out the most popular options below, and then give us a call to help you determine the right option for your home.

Wood Siding

Wood siding or shingles look great and used to be the favorite siding choice for homeowners out there, but has since declined since the prices have gone up and there is a lot of work required to maintain it. Wood siding won’t last as long as vinyl or concrete, and it can be infested by termites. However, any boards that are damaged can be pulled out and easily replaced. It’s also not completely maintenance free; it will need to be painted every few years or so as the paint chips away.

Vinyl siding gives a more traditional look.

Vinyl siding gives a more traditional look.

Vinyl Siding

If you want a long-lasting, durable, and tough siding, consider going with vinyl. It not only lasts long, but the amount of work required to maintain it is virtually zero. It can be cleaned easily and comes in a large variety of colors as well as styles. Choose from lap siding, shingles, and shakes. Vinyl siding can last up to forty years and never needs a can of paint, so choose vinyl if you’re most concerned about durability when it comes to your exterior siding.

Cement Siding

If you’re looking for a happy medium between wood and vinyl siding, consider choosing fiber-cement boards. They can look like wood, but instead of needing to be replaced because of rotting, they don’t decay and usually have warranties up to 50 years. They are also not flammable like wood and can’t be infested by termites or other nasty creatures. Unlike vinyl, cement siding can be painted, but it usually needs a new coat of paint about every 15 years.cement-siding

Are you still unsure of which exterior siding to use? Give us a call! We will give you a hand in determining what’s right for your home and your area and what you will get the most use out of. We specialize in creating custom options for you so that you get the most out of your dollar. We help you pick the product that will benefit you the most, so don’t wait. Call now!

One Response so far.

  1. […] general, in Tampa basic siding costs about $2.71 for basic square foot. This cost include the cost of vinyl siding and the costs of installation since you will need someone to come out and actually replace your old […]

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